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Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 5/19/18

Anybody else see Deadpool 2 this weekend? That was a fun movie! Anybody want to take bets until Firefist shows up in comics? I’d say it’s about as inevitable as Negasonic Teenage Warhead getting the movie makeover after the last Deadpool movie…

Speaking of comics, we had some fine ones this week! Power Rangers continues their big Shattered Grid event. The final issue of All-New Wolverine drops a nice little finale. And the Avengers and Justice League face off to win my favor…and Comic Book of the Week goes to the second issue of Justice League: No Justice!


Somewhere you obviously weren’t invited

Meanwhile, I’ve decided to drop X-Men Red. It’s not what I thought it would be and, despite my being a big fan of writer Tom Taylor, I’m just not really digging it. I’d rather drop books I’m not enjoying than keep giving them crummy reviews. This week’s issue was fine, but just no what I’m looking for in an X-Men comic these days.

Also new this week, I’ve decided to start listing more creatives in the credits section of my reviews. A letterer friend of mine pointed out that reviewers should credit everybody, and he’s right. The only reason I wasn’t was because I’m lazy. So from now on, inkers, colorists and letterers!

Comic Reviews: All-New Wolverine #35, Avengers #2, Batman #47, Justice League: No Justice #2 and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #27.

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Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 4/28/18

How about that Avengers: Infinity War, huh? That sure was something! I enjoyed the movie, but I wasn’t blown away. I’m starting to think I let myself get too hyped up for these Marvel movies. But then I remember that Black Panther and Thor: Ragnarok were amazing. So mileage may vary. Expect a fuller review on Wednesday.

As for comics this week, we’ve got a whole pile! No Avengers, I’m afraid, because I don’t read any current Avengers comics. Though the latest issue of Mighty Thor, which caps off the saga of Jane Foster: Goddess of Thunder, wins Comic Book of the Week.

Janes Dies 02

She’s earned it

Though I wasn’t particularly happy with how Mighty Thor ended. It’s a gorgeous comic, at least. Wherever Russell Dauterman goes next, I’m sure to follow.

Also, The Hunt for Wolverine kicked off this week and I will not be reading or reviewing. I think Marvel really, really dropped the ball after killing Wolverine, and I have zero interest in his return. He should have stayed dead.

Comic Reviews: All-New Wolverine #34, Batgirl #22, Detective Comics #979, Exiles #2, Mighty Thor #706, The Silencer #4 and The Terrifics #3.

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Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 4/7/18

We’ve got something of a light week this week, though a lot of nice comics came out. I think I need to start picking up some new titles after so many of my favorites got cancelled. I’m thinking of trying out the new Iron Man and Fantastic Four when they arrive, along with the big Justice League and Avengers relaunches in the coming months. Anybody have any comics they’d like to see me take on? Let me know in the comments!

Comic Book of the Week goes to the first half of Runaways. It’s as darling as I could have hoped for. But then it just ruins itself! For my money, I would definitely prefer a guest appearance by Julie Power over Doctor Doom in any comic book.

Runaways Julie 02

Molly agrees!

In comics I’m reading but not reviewing, another delightful issue of Rogue & Gambit hit the stands and it’s just as much fun as the rest. I can’t wait to see what writer Kelly Thompson does next for Marvel.

Also, I’ve dropped Marvel Two-in-One now that we know Fantastic Four is coming back. It’s an OK issue. Better than the previous issue, but I’ve decided to drop the series rather than continue to nitpick it to death.

Comic Reviews: All-New Wolverine #33, Amazing Spider-Man #798, Batman #44 and Runaways #8.

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Did…Did Tom Taylor Just Marry Himself to Gabby?

Tom Taylor is the writer of All-New Wolverine and X-Men Red, and I’m a really big fan. His biggest contribution so far to the world of the X-Men is the creation of Gabby, the joyful and adorable clone sidekick of X-23. Gabby, also known as Honey Badger, is just plain great. There’s no arguing that point.

But something really weird happened in this week’s issue of All-New Wolverine. I’m not trying to make any judgments here, I just want to run it by you all.

The story takes place in an alternate future, where Gabby is the new Wolverine and Laura is the queen of Madripoor. They’re still the best of sister friends and hang out together. And in doing so, Laura asks Gabby about her family…about Gabby’s husband and kids…

Gabby Taylor 01

You see it, right?

Like, there are no characters named “Taylor” with whom Gabby has had any sort of flirtation or anything of the like. Writer Tom Taylor simply decided that adult Gabby would have an unseen husband and kids, and that this unseen husband would be named “Taylor”.

That’s weird, right? That he named Gabby’s future husband after himself?

Yeah, that’s pretty weird…


Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 3/17/18

There’s a bunch of fun comics this week! From Detective Comics and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl to the launch of the new New Mutants mini-series! I would have done a Strong Guy Watch for the issue, but I figured Guido being part of a regular series again was enough of a watch!

Comic Book of the Week goes to another phenomenal issue of Mister Miracle! A new baby is born, and I’m growing more and more paranoid about how writer Tom King is going to destroy our very souls by the end!

Ironbreaker 01

‘Ironbreaker’ is a strong name

What did everybody else think of Jessica Jones? If, like me, you weren’t a fan, I highly recommend The Tick on Amazon Prime! Now that was a fun superhero TV show!

Comic Reviews: All-New Wolverine #32, Detective Comics #976, Marvel Two-in-One #4, Mister Miracle #7, New Mutants: Dead Souls #1 and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #30.

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