Category Archives: History

Let’s Start the New Year with the CGP Grey Flag Saga

If you don’t watch CGP Grey on YouTube, consider this a solid introduction to his content. The dude is smart and he makes smart and funny videos about a wide range of niche topics. I’m a guy who can definitely get behind passion for niche projects. Recently, he updated his flag tier video saga, so I figured I’d share the whole thing.

Basically, Grey makes a tier list of all the United States state flags, and then he released a video this holiday season ranking the Canadian province flags! Neat!

First up is the U.S. flags. It came out in April, but I’m sharing it now.

The guy makes a lot of sense. I’ve never liked the New York State flag. It’s ugly and needs a redesign!

Then, a few weeks ago, Grey announced an epilogue to his flag saga in which the state of Minnesota revealed a new flag redesign! I think they’ve picked their new design finalist — they have — but here’s Grey’s introduction to the ones in the running. I think this video turned me on to Grey’s whole flag saga.

I like the new design!

And lastly, he released the Canada video as a Christmas present, so huzzah! More CGP Grey Flag Content!

Happy New Year, everybody! Here’s to me posting more videos, movie trailers, nonsensical lists and comic reviews! I’m gonna go see Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom tomorrow, so expect a list soon of me ranking all the DCEU movies. Until then, fare thee well.


Napoleon was a Pretty Bad Dude

There’s a big, fancy Napoleon movie coming out next month, from director Ridley Scott. The guy who made Gladiator is making a Napoleon movie. It looks pretty good. Looks epic, looks dark, looks like fun.

Who doesn’t love a good, dark, well-made historical biopic? And I’ll readily admit I don’t know enough about Napoleon and that corner of history. I kinda wanna watch this movie just to learn more about Napoleon. He was a pretty bad guy, but he did a lot history-wise, right? I guess I’ll find out soon.

Napoleon comes to theaters at Thanksgiving.


Sessions with Stan Lee

This cartoon is making the rounds and it’s pretty fun! It’s a speech by Stan the Man about the power of cuss words, recorded by collaborator Aron Fromm. And it’s animated by Richard Plata, among others. Pretty fun stuff.

And it’s the perfect sort of easy thing to share on this, the day after Thanksgiving. I’m relaxing at home and trying to decide how soon is too soon to watch the new episode of The Mandalorian


I Didn’t Know This About the Statue of Liberty

It’s a lazy Monday and I’ve decided to school you all about the Statue of Liberty, with help from Internet sensation CGP Grey. I’ve only shared a few CGP Grey videos on my blog, but the guy is a genius and I should do more educational stuff.

Imagine if my blog was a place of learning and education! That’d be nice.


Total War: Rome 2 Review


In every entry into Creative Assembly’s truly epic series, the game thrusts you into command of a historic kingdom, competing for dominance in a legendary time period.  Since 2000, Total War has taken players through the Japanese Shogunate wars, the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages, the Colonial period and the Napoleonic wars.  Now, the series returns to revisit Rome, from the rise of the Republic to the conquest of the Empire.

It’s no secret that I’m in love with the Total War series.  In my mind, 2010’s Shogun 2 and its expansions are among the best, most epic strategy games ever made.  With big, epic battles, simplistic gameplay and a plethora of strategic and diplomatic angles to use, you felt like you were in control of your own expanding dynasty.  And, of course, its cooperative campaign was amazing.

Now, Creative Assembly is trying to recreate its success with a follow-up to 2004’s Rome:  Total War.  The campaign, which can be played head-to-head or cooperatively with another player, allows you to play not only as the Roman republic/empire, but any of more than a dozen other countries between 200 BCE until the fall of Rome. Read the rest of this entry