Category Archives: Robin

Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 10/14/23

Comic releases are weird. Last week saw the release of a metric ton of comics I’m reading, so much so that I had to skip a few reviews just so I could fit this column into my busy schedule. But this week, I’ve only got two reviews because not much came out that I’m interested in. If Black Panther and Fantastic Four came out this week, I would have caught up and reviewed them!

Comic Book of the Week goes to Avengers #6, mostly for a backup feature starring a more obscure Marvel superhero, Firebird!

The proper grammar is ‘Captains Marvel, America’

Meanwhile, a week from now, we’ll all be playing Spider-Man 2! Until then, I toil away on a Cyberpunk 2077 replay. Can I beat the game by Friday? Honestly, probably not, but I’ll give it a try. Beyond that, I’m enjoying Loki season 2, Lower Decks season 4 and the second season of Killing It. Have you seen that? Really fun show.

Comic Reviews: Avengers #6 and Batman and Robin #2.

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Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 10/7/23

This was a crazy week for comics! New, highly anticipated comics, like Transformers and G.O.D.S.! Big comics like the new Batman! So many comics that I had to skip some of those I enjoy just to fit them all in during my week!

Comic Book of the Week goes to Birds of Prey #2 for a really stylish issue that does a lot of really cool things with art and color.

Huckleberry Harley should be a spin-off

Meanwhile, I enjoyed the final episode of Ahsoka, though the series overall was rather disappointing. Thankfully, the first episode of Loki season 2 was a hoot! So the shows just keep coming. And Cyberpunk 2077 is as fun as I remember, though it’s not all that different from the first time I played at launch. Still generally fun.

Comic Reviews: Batman #138, Birds of Prey #2, G.O.D.S. #1, Transformers #1 and X-Men #27.

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Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 9/16/23

It’s a week for new or relatively new comics! And that’s always fun. Astonishing Iceman attempts to win our hearts with a second issue, while DC tries to win me over with a Batman and Robin focused team book.

Comic Book of the Week goes to Avengers Inc. #1 for absolutely nailing the tone and premise its going for in its first issue.

The Great Wasp Detective

Meanwhile, still playing Baldur’s Gate 3, because I’m a slave to that game. I’ll beat it one of these days! Other than that, I really enjoyed the latest issues of Ahsoka, so that’s a quality show. And Star Trek: Lower Decks has started up again, so I’m happy with that. Lots of good content to devour these days, and even more to come in the near future.

Comic Reviews: Astonishing Iceman #2, Avengers Inc. #1 and Batman and Robin #1.

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Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 9/2/23

Another week of not many comics, and that’s totally on me. Maybe I just need to read more comics? Hopefully I’ll get the chance, because I am on vacation! It’s also a good week for the new Ms. Marvel revival series.

Comic Book of the Week goes to the awkwardly named Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1 for an interesting kick off to yet another crossover and yet another war in Gotham City.

They goin’ to war

Meanwhile, Baldur’s Gate 3 continues to go well, though I still remain hesitant to sink any more playthroughs into my life on the off chance they improve the game down the line. I won’t be playing Starfield anytime soon because I don’t have an X-Box and I don’t think my PC can handle it. So that stinks. And in a few days it’s my 40th birthday, so that’s a thing!

Comic Reviews: Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1 and Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #1.

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Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 6/24/23

Oh what a week, what a week. Can it really be possible that some of my current favorite comics are all coming out in the same week?! Do we really have new issues of Power Rangers and Superman in the same week?! I must be in comic book heaven.

Comic Book of the Week goes to Nightwing #105 for an artistic achievement that should be praised for all time. Kudos to Bruno Redondo and the entire creative team for this masterpiece!

Take it all in

Meanwhile, I’ve taken a slight break from Tears of the Kingdom to play some Diablo 4! I’ve been playing the Diablo games since the very beginning, though I’ve never engaged in the postgame stuff. I just play the story and try out different classes. It’s fun. I also saw the first episode of Secret Invasion but wasn’t all that impressed. The pacing and tension felt off. Hopefully I’ll like it more as it goes along.

Also, in terms of comics, I’ve decided to stop reviewing Saga because I don’t think I should be giving my thoughts on each individual issue in isolation. I enjoyed the Scarlet Witch annual, but I tend not to review annuals for no particular reason. And the first issue of Ultimate Invasion was solid, though we’ll see if this revival is worth a damn in due time.

Comic Reviews: Avengers #2, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #109, Nightwing #105, Superman #5 and Titans #2.

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