Blog Archives

They’re Making An Animated Watchmen

Man, nothing is going on this week other than the heat. I’ve had a lot of success either staying in my air conditioned office or my air conditioned home (my car’s AC is broken). So I haven’t really worried about the heat. But in order to fulfill my oath of posting something online every once and a while, here’s the trailer for the first parts of an animated Watchmen adaptation.

We’ve had a number of Watchmen adaptations over the years. There was a motion comic once that I watched, and it had one, male voice actor doing the voices for everybody. Will this one be any different? I don’t know! But it promises to be very faithful to the comic. I think they’re just going to animate the comic right off that page. That might be neat!

Watchmen Parts 1 & 2 come out in August! And…uh…I don’t know in what format. On Max? In theaters? Surely not on DVD…


I’m Still Not Sure About This Watchmen TV Show

A Watchmen TV show is coming to HBO. It’s not going to be an adaptation of the legendary graphic novel. Instead, it’s going to be…some kind of continuation? I’m still not really sure, but I’ll probably get around to watching it. I hope it’s good! Even though I don’t have much faith, in spirit, in any Watchmen spin-off.

Today’s a pretty big day! My vacation is over and I’m back to work. But more importantly, the new expansion to Red Dead Online comes out today! I can’t wait to get home and finally play some new content!

Maybe I should have called in sick today…


The Watchmen TV Show Is Gonna Be Weird

HBO is making a Watchmen TV show. It’s not going to be an adaptation of the comic, it’s going to be…like, a sequel, maybe? Or a re-interpretation? I am not sure. But the first trailer arrived yesterday and it explains nothing!

When HBO first announced this series, I tried to do a List of Six of things I wanted to see in a Watchmen TV show. But after giving it some thought, the only thing I wanted was a solid adaptation of the graphic novel. We’re not getting that. so I guess I’ll just hang tight and see what we get instead.


Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 3/31/18

Happy Easter Weekend, everybody! If you celebrate! For me, it’s just another good excuse to go home and visit with my folks and whatever family shows up for dinner. Should be fun.

You know what else is fun? Comics! Lots of diverse comics this week, mostly from DC. They gave us another chapter of Doomsday Clock, and the Power Rangers comic kicked off their first Big Event with Shattered Grid! But Comic Book of the Week goes to the final issue of Dark Knights: Metal for being all manner of intense comic book insanity.

Joker Dragon 01

It was hard to pick just one out-of-context panel that would still be a singularly awesome introductory image

Meanwhile, Marvel announced the return of a proper Fantastic Four comic, like we all knew they would eventually. It’s only been about two years and Marvel did very little with the missing team — though what they did do, with Brian Michael Bendis’ Infamous Iron Man, was phenomenal! I don’t particularly care about the Fantastic Four, but I’ll definitely pick it up, since the creative team is Dan Slott and Sara Pichelli. If Slott can do for the Fantastic Four what he did for Silver Surfer, then I’ll probably fall in love all over again.

Also, I read Green Lantern: Earth One this week and it was really good! Solid re-imagining of Hal Jordan and his Green Lantern origins.

Comic Reviews: Dark Knights: Metal #6, Detective Comics #977, Doomsday Clock #4, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25, The Silencer #3 and The Terrifics #2.

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Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 1/27/18

I think I might have been in a bad mood this week. I don’t think I was. I had a pretty nice week. Saw some movies. Did some work. Had lots of good times. But none of the comics this week really spoke to me, not Amazing Spider-Man or Batgirl, and definitely not Doomsday Clock!

Comic Book of the Week is going to be the new Detective Comics, for a big important story, but one I felt got a little too big. Still good, at least.

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The best Batman and Robin

Comic Reviews: Amazing Spider-Man #794, Batgirl #19, Detective Comics #973, Doomsday Clock #3 and Marvel Two-in-One #2.

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