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Random Tidbit Tuesday

Man, I got nothing this week. No good movie trailers are coming out. No new casting news. Nothing random going on. I was worried I wouldn’t have anything to even post for three days in a row! But I’ve gathered some random stuff I found from the past few days to share, just so I can appear alive. If I’m not posting on this blog, do I even exist?

Anyway, Marvel shared this new artwork of the Human Torch back on 4/4 day, April 4. I think it looks great!

Everybody clued in quickly to the futuristic city in the background, lending further credence to the idea that Fantastic Four takes place in an alternate reality. That’s disappointing to me. But I have loved everything we’ve seen so far about this retro-futuristic concept, so perhaps I’ll get over it. I just don’t like the idea of the F4 existing in an alternate reality and coming into the MCU proper universe. Why not just figure out a way to have them exist in the right reality from the beginning? Ah well.

Also, in case it needs to be stated again, I’m totally fine with Julia Garner as Silver Surfer. I think the movie is just going to do a Silver Surfer origin where Shalla-Bal saves Zenn-La instead of Norrin Radd, and that’s fine by me. I’ve loved Silver Surfer since I was a kid, and I have no problem with this gender swapped take on the character. Bring it on!

The other tidbit I randomly found is that the Fallout TV show is coming two days early. All 8 episodes will debut on Amazon Prime on Wednesday evening, April 10. So tomorrow!

Looks like those are my end-of-week/weekend plans! That show looks great and I have high hopes! But then, of course, I’m also a guy who liked the Halo TV show, so what do I know?

Anyway, I’m gonna go try to find more content to post…


I am Totally Down with the Vibe of The Fantastic Four!

Out of nowhere, Marvel Studios used Valentine’s Day to unveil not only the cast of the upcoming Fantastic Four movie, but also the whole vibe. It’s a retro, ’60s throwback feeling. I wasn’t on board with that idea in general, but after seeing the artwork and logo, I am fully in favor of everything this movie is now giving off.

I love the cast as well. The only person we had fully confirmed at this point was Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards, and I’m fine with that man in any acting role he wants or gets. I’m sure he’ll be great! The others are Vanessa Kirby as Sue Storm, Joseph Quinn as Johnny Storm and Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Ben Grimm! I knew of all three being at the top of the rumors list, so they’re not a surprise. I love every one of those choices!

I just finished watching season 2 of The Bear last week, and Moss-Bachrach was amazing! If I had watched that season when it came out last year, it would have made my end-of-year list as favorite show of 2023. And then everybody loved Quinn in Stranger Things, so they’re both pretty inspired casting. I’m not as familiar with Kirby’s work, but I’ve obviously seen her in some things like Mission Impossible. So high hopes all around for this cast!

The movie is set to come to theaters on July 25, 2025, so next year. Good times. No idea on the plot yet or the villains. I’d be cool with anybody. I love everything about this first look, down to even the retro jumpsuit look of the costumes Reed and Sue are wearing.


Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 1/7/23

First week of comics of the year and we’ve got a banger of a start! I really enjoyed all the comics I read this week from the Big Two, so I hope this means we’ve got a good year ahead of us. New issues of Batman and Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty always makes for a good week. Remember when they fought in Marvel vs. DC in the 90s?!

Comic Book of the Week goes to Scarlet Witch #1 for a really fun, really solid first issue to her new solo series. It’s always nice when a new series puts their best foot forward.

Scarlet Witch can do whatever she wants

Meanwhile, I finally got my Playstation 5! Is that a big accomplishment anymore? I found one for retail price and used some Christmas money to take the plunge on the console. I won’t be playing anything yet, though, because I’m still working my way through Pokemon Violet. I’m not sure why that game is taking me so long…Anyway, I also splurged on the collected edition of Marvels by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross, which has been a real treat to revisit.

Comic Reviews: Batman #131, Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #8, Fantastic Four #3 and Scarlet Witch #1.

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Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 1/27/18

I think I might have been in a bad mood this week. I don’t think I was. I had a pretty nice week. Saw some movies. Did some work. Had lots of good times. But none of the comics this week really spoke to me, not Amazing Spider-Man or Batgirl, and definitely not Doomsday Clock!

Comic Book of the Week is going to be the new Detective Comics, for a big important story, but one I felt got a little too big. Still good, at least.

Tim Belfry 01

The best Batman and Robin

Comic Reviews: Amazing Spider-Man #794, Batgirl #19, Detective Comics #973, Doomsday Clock #3 and Marvel Two-in-One #2.

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Hench-Sized Comic Book Reviews – 12/23/17

This was not a great week to be a comic book fan! Don’t get me wrong, there were a lot of good comics this week, but there was a flood of cancellations are Marvel. Both Iceman and Hawkeye, two of my favorite Marvel comics, are getting the ax by March! That’s disappointing. But I’m used to good comics getting cancelled these days. It’s the nature of the business.

Fortunately, we’ve got some solid, non-cancelled comics this week! Ms. Marvel is back, and if we ignore the renumbering, we’re apparently at the 44th issue! That’s practically a record for a new comic in this day and age! And it’s still a great series! But Comic Book of the Week goes to an absolutely fabulous issue of Tom King’s Batman, with a focus on his friendship with Superman!

Superman Bat 01

Batman, a short story

This week also saw the release of the latest issue of DC’s big Metal event. I can’t say as how I’m a fan. It’s a big, crazy mess of insanity, with a scope that I don’t think the book is handling well. Batman and Superman literally visit the forge of all creation in this issue. It’s nuts! Maybe this story would feel stronger if continuity mattered anymore, but Metal seems to be rewriting DC continuity on the fly to fit its story.

Comic Reviews: Batman #37, Harley Quinn #33, Marvel Two-in-One #1, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #22, Mighty Thor #702, Ms. Marvel #25 and Nightwing #35. 

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