6 Super-Animals Who Deserve a Spot on the Pet Avengers

The trailer for the Hit-Monkey cartoon on Hulu arrived on the internet this week and I had a realization: what about all of the other super-pets who don’t have their own cartoon? Super-pets are a hot topic these days. DC Comics is working on an entire super-pets cartoon, featuring the voice talents of Dwayne Johnson. DC takes very good care of their super-pets. But what about Marvel? Sure, the Pet Avengers exist…but are they really as all-encompassing as they could be?

As if you didn’t believe they existed

This led to a deep dive into the super-animals at Marvel Comics. The Pet Avengers feature such luminaries as Lockjaw, Redwing, Throg, Lockheed and even Aunt May’s pet dog for some reason. But those animals only scratch the surface of the critters that exist at Marvel and are due their shot! The Pet Avengers need their own animated movie — possibly with the voice talents of John Cena? — and here are some super-animals who deserve a spot on the lineup.

Join me after the jump for six other animal-heroes at Marvel that should be the New Pet Avengers!

6. Hit-Monkey

Monkeys are always funny

Hit-Monkey was an idea that came about in the early 2010s wherein a white-furred Japanese macaque would wear a suit and tie and kill people for money. He was a back-up feature in Deadpool comics at the time, which should tell you a lot. And that’s pretty much where Hit-Monkey began and ended. What if a monkey wore a little suit and was a hitman? Marvel went nowhere with it…until now, I guess. Hopefully the cartoon will be good.

5. Devil Dinosaur

Dinosaur rides cost extra

A big, red, dangerous Tyrannosaurus Rex! That is pretty damn cool! Why is he red? It’s a whole thing, where exposure to fire at a young age activated a mutation in this T-Rex to give him powers and turn him red. And he’s not just any T-Rex, he’s also an alien! Fancy that, eh? Though he’s often found hanging out on Earth. Devil Dinosaur most famously teamed up with Moon Boy, an ape-like dude who made for a good partner. Most recently, Devil Dinosaur has been brought to modern day Earth to team up with Moon Girl, a super-genius meant to appeal to today’s kids. Because kids today, I tells ya…

4. Cosmo

I hope he washes that spacesuit

It’s not a rule that the Pet Avengers have to be unintelligent beasts. Some of them can talk. So Cosmo would fit in pretty good. He’s a regular dog that Russia sent up into space during the space race, but he got lost in the cosmos, bombarded with cosmic rays and he came out with intelligence and telepathy. Granted, Cosmo already has some major responsibilities out there in the universe, and maybe coming to Earth to pal around with some other animals isn’t the best use of his power and responsibility? But Cosmo is a dog nonetheless, and deserving of more respect and admiration!

3. Jonathan the Wolverine

Sequel to Logan: Jonathan

A newer member of the world of super-pets, Jonathan the Wolverine is a literal wolverine. The animal. The little guy was being experimented upon in a lab, so Squirrel Girl rescued him and delivered him to Laura and Gabby, back when Laura was running around as the new Wolverine. The superhero. Since then, he’s rarely left Gabby’s side, and I’m sure he’s joined her on Krakoa. He’s even got a little costume sometimes.

2. Jeff the Landshark

Look at them little toesy-woesies!

Another new addition to the world of super-animals is Jeff the Landshark, whose got his own web comic from Marvel these days! Created for the recent West Coast Avengers comic, the WCAs were fighting a bunch of landsharks (which are a thing) and Gwenpool decided to keep one of the babies. So adorable shark-type creature and some funny writing and you’ve got a bonafide sensation on your hands.

1. Tippy-Toe

The hero we deserve

There is no excuse for why Tippy-Toe, the squirrel sidekick to Squirrel Girl, was not a founding member of the Pet Avengers. I don’t care that the Pet Avengers comic came out in 2009 and the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl series didn’t start until 2015. Tippy-Toe was still a presence before that! Tippy-Toe is a god damned national treasure and we are all worse off that we never got to see Tippy-Toe on live action TV in that cancelled New Warriors show. Did you see the set photos of Milana Vayntrub? Life isn’t fair. Tippy-Toe is great. Where is Pet Avengers 2 to right these grievous wrongs?!


About Sean Ian Mills

Hello, this is Sean, the Henchman-4-Hire! By day I am a mild-mannered newspaper reporter in Central New York, and by the rest of the day I'm a pretty big geek when it comes to video games, comic books, movies, cartoons and more.

Posted on September 22, 2021, in Comics, Lists of Six!, Marvel and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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