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6 Super-Animals Who Deserve a Spot on the Pet Avengers

The trailer for the Hit-Monkey cartoon on Hulu arrived on the internet this week and I had a realization: what about all of the other super-pets who don’t have their own cartoon? Super-pets are a hot topic these days. DC Comics is working on an entire super-pets cartoon, featuring the voice talents of Dwayne Johnson. DC takes very good care of their super-pets. But what about Marvel? Sure, the Pet Avengers exist…but are they really as all-encompassing as they could be?

As if you didn’t believe they existed

This led to a deep dive into the super-animals at Marvel Comics. The Pet Avengers feature such luminaries as Lockjaw, Redwing, Throg, Lockheed and even Aunt May’s pet dog for some reason. But those animals only scratch the surface of the critters that exist at Marvel and are due their shot! The Pet Avengers need their own animated movie — possibly with the voice talents of John Cena? — and here are some super-animals who deserve a spot on the lineup.

Join me after the jump for six other animal-heroes at Marvel that should be the New Pet Avengers!

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