6 Characters I Do and 6 Characters I Don’t Want to See in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

What a time to be alive! Only a few weeks after watching a legitimately cool Daredevil TV show, we are mere days away from seeing Avengers: Age of Ultron in theaters. Ant-Man is only a few months away, A.K.A. Jessica Jones comes out later this year, and there are more shows and movies down the line just waiting to be watched and loved! As a lifelong fan of Marvel Comics, I have to pinch myself to remember that it’s all real.

How do they still expect me to wait!?

And like any other lifelong comic book fan, you better believe I have a geektacular list of Marvel characters that I’m dying to see on the big and small screens — and even a few that I don’t want to see. There are still a ton of untouched characters just waiting for a chance to shine. And considering some of the cameos we’ve seen so far — like Quake on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Stilt-Man on Daredevil — the people behind the scenes are more than willing to reach deep into Marvel’s extensive catalog.

But I’m not talking about just seeing these characters on TV or in the movies. I’m talking specifically about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the big #itsallconnected tapestry that takes us from Age of Ultron to Daredevil to that upcoming Agents spin-off. So I don’t care about the movies or TV shows that FOX is making. Make Mine Marvel!


6. Scorpion

Just like all those naturally green scorpions

Spider-Man is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe now, and that opens up a whole wealth of characters, both good and bad, who can pop into the world. And out of all of the untouched villains who have yet to appear, I think Scorpion is my pick! He’s always been one of my favorites, owing to a childhood love of creepy crawly scorpions. But with his wicked tail and sinister attitude, Scorpion could be a pretty threatening, particularly violent psychopath to face off against Spider-Man. People hate bugs, so play up that angle in his design and you’ve got a ghoulish new villain for the movie posters!

5. Nova

Starring John C. Reilly

We saw the Nova Corps show up in Guardians of the Galaxy, so it’s only a hop, skip and a jump to putting one of those helmets onto a normal Earth man (or boy). In the comics, the Nova Corps is an intergalactic police force with some pretty fantastic powers, while in the movie they were more like the governing body for a single planet, with a lot of cool spaceships. That’s a fine transition, and giving us a comic book accurate Nova shouldn’t be hard at all.

The question is, which Nova should we get? The original Nova, Richie Ryder, is my personal favorite. But he’s also a generic white male action hero. The current Nova is Sam Alexander, a kid, so he’s got that going for him. I don’t really know who I’d pick. But if Marvel was looking to branch out in their types of movies, making a kid superhero movie might be a solid idea. Or maybe change Richie Ryder’s race in the name of diversity. Either would be a solid idea and should make for a pretty cool movie.

4. Beta Ray Bill

Sif needs a love interest

I’ve written extensively about how I want to see Beta Ray Bill in the Marvel Cinematic Universe before, so I’ll keep it brief here: I want to see Beta Ray Bill in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There, I said it. I think audiences can handle him. I think he would be awesome. And I think the Thor franchise can handle Horse Thor.

3. The Wrecking Crew

Magical crowbar!

I want to see the Avengers throw down with some legit super villains, and the Wrecking Crew are the perfect choice. Usually all we get is one or two big bad guys and then an army of henchmen, like Loki and the Chitauri or Ultron and his drones; well now is the time to hit audiences with a full team of villains who need to get pounded into the pavement! The Masters of Evil could accomplish the same thing, but the Wrecking Crew are a much simpler concept, plus they’re already tied to Loki, a fan favorite in the MCU. You’ve got a bunch of burly guys with a construction crew theme, wielding enchanted tools that are similar to Thor’s enchanted hammer. It doesn’t take any set up or really any explanation, but could lead to some really knockdown, drag-out fights in the city streets!

2. Ms. Marvel

I kinda wanna name my future daughter Kamala

There are rumors swirling around the Internet right now that Marvel is already working on a TV show for Kamala Khan. That would be pretty darn stunning. The hero is only a year old, but already she’s a beloved character with a fascinating story to tell. Kamala is a teenage, Muslim, Pakistani-American girl living with super-powers in New Jersey. If that’s not a recipe for an amazing TV show, I don’t know what is! I had Kamala pegged to be the star of the Inhumans movie in a few years, but a TV show would be wonderful. Probably not a gritty Netflix drama, but maybe a brighter, more colorful show on ABC would be a dream come true!

We are living in a world where we can have nice things!

1. Stingray

Or maybe she’d like the name Stingray!

I am on a mission to get Stingray into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I’ve mentioned before how he would make a great cameo on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I stand by that idea. In fact, my desire for more Stingray has only grown since then. I think he’d be absolutely perfect. The great thing about Stingray is that he’s not really a superhero, despite his look. Walter Newell is first and foremost an oceanographer, and he designed his own suit in order to traverse the ocean depths (and fight ocean bad guys). That it looks like a bitchin’ superhero costume is just a bonus.

Stingray would be the perfect guest star or supporting character on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He could be a full-on agent or just an underwater expert, ready to help Phil Coulson with a submarine or a secret underwater base or maybe some spy scuba diving. The possibilities are endless, and Walter would be perfect. And in my perfectly realized fantasy world, Walter also has a cool, modern Stingray costume ready to bust out at a moment’s notice when the episode gets really hairy.

Seriously, out of all the potential characters in the Marvel Universe, Stingray is my top pick for who I want to appear. I’m not ashamed of it either.

As for those I don’t want to appear…


6. Mysterio

Fish bowl on the head is a fish bowl on the head

I’ve never liked Mysterio, one of Spider-Man’s classic bad guys. And it’s not the fish bowl head, because I’m largely fine with the fish bowl head. I’m just not big on the ‘master of illusion’ thing. It doesn’t really have anything to do with Spider-Man, and therefore, I don’t see how it could have anything to do with a Spider-Man movie. He’s fine for a comic book issue or a cartoon episode, because there are so many of those. But if you’ve only got a few standalone Spider-Man films (technically), then it seems like a waste to spend one with a bad guy who’s only schtick is making illusions.

Plus there’s that fish bowl on his head…

5. Namor

Don’t look at me

I don’t like Namor the Sub-Mariner; never have, never will. He’s a weird jerk who lacks all the heroic cool of Aquaman, replacing it with instead with a jerk sandwich, a tiny speedo and repeated attempts to break up marriages. There is no reason to ever use this guy in any capacity…even alongside Stingray.

4. Jigsaw

You’ve ruined one movie already!

The Punisher should definitely appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, maybe with his own Netflix show. He’s such a given that I didn’t feel the need to add him to my list. He’d be absolutely perfect for television — despite the fact that nobody can seem to get him to work in movies. The Punisher is easy and I have no idea why the movies haven’t worked, though I have some theories. All Marvel needs to do is film Garth Ennis’ Punisher MAX. There, you’re done.

But whatever Marvel does, they should not feel the need to give him an arch-nemesis, especially not his comic book rival Jigsaw. This villain was one of the worst parts of the last Punisher movie. He’s a criminal whose face was torn to shreds, and now he’s a psychotic mob boss or something. In a Punisher Netflix show, the temptation would be there to make Jigsaw the show’s version of Kingpin, but I really hope not.

The Punisher doesn’t need a supervillain or an arch-nemesis. He just needs some real bad, really evil people to kill. They don’t need to have a gimmick, they don’t need to have powers. They just need to be evil and criminal, and the audience really really wants to see them punished.

Honestly, just film a direct adaptation of The Slavers. It has everything and would be amazing.

3. Mar-Vell

You’re old news, grandpa!

Captain Mar-Vell is a space ranger turned superhero from the 60s and 70s who is one of the few comic book characters who has actually stayed dead after a legendary storyline in the 80s. He was a pretty popular cosmic superhero in his day and I’m sure he has his fans, but I’m not one of them. I don’t give 10 hoots about Mar-Vell. But with a Captain Marvel movie planned for 2018, there’s a very good chance that he might play a big role. Because Captain Mar-Vell, of the alien Kree race, is partially responsible for giving super-powers to Carol Danvers, the star of the 2018 movie. In the comics, she used these powers to become Ms. Marvel, before eventually taking Mar-Vell’s name as her own to become Captain Marvel.

Does that sound complicated? Because it is, and that’s why I don’t want Mar-Vell to be a thing. As the first major Marvel movie starring a female superhero, Carol Danvers deserved to stand alone as someone special and unique. In the comics, she was a derivative of Mar-Vell for decades, always living in his shadow. That doesn’t have to be repeated. The studio should either come up with a whole new origin for Carol or they should make Mar-Vell’s involvement as minor as possible. Carol shouldn’t owe her superhero career to anyone.

And while we’re on it, let’s not include Genis-Vell or Noh-Varr either. Let’s just stay far, far away from those Kree space rangers.

2. The X-Men

Keep your weird, inverted timeline stories to yourselves!

I never want Marvel and FOX to come to an agreement on adding the X-Men to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I don’t care how great an Avengers vs. X-Men movie would be. I don’t care how many of my favorite comic book characters belong to the X-franchise. I just don’t think the X-Men would fit anymore. Too much ground has been laid, too much legwork has gone into crafting the MCU that suddenly throwing the X-Men into the mix would mess everything up. I don’t want the movies to be retconned so that a mysterious Canadian named Logan fought alongside Steve Rogers in WWII. I don’t want mutants to suddenly become an issue and crowd out the Inhumans that Marvel is already seeding into the MCU.

Marvel has done amazing things building their universe around the Avengers. And while characters like Spider-Man and Daredevil are easily to slip into the sidelines, the X-Men are too big and too cumbersome to make it work. I say don’t bother.

1. She-Hulk

She already hates me for this

This is probably my most controversial pick, but I just don’t want She-Hulk to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the character, and I know she’d make for an amazing appearance. But I don’t want her to appear because, in my perfect world, there’s only one Hulk. It’s just one of those geeky idiosyncrasies I have. The Hulk is a pretty singular being with a very singular reputation; but it gets diluted if you start filling the world with Hulks. I also don’t care for Red Hulk, Red She-Hulk, Son of Hulk, Other Son of Hulk, Daughter of Hulk and so on.

The Hulk needs to remain unique in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He shouldn’t be as easy to replicate as Iron Man. So as much as it pains me to say it, I don’t want She-Hulk to show up and rain on Bruce Banner’s parade.

Of course, this doesn’t apply to her civilian identity of Jennifer Walters. I would be 100% in favor of Jennifer Walters, Attorney at Law, making an appearance, be it in an upcoming movie as Bruce Banner’s cousin or maybe as a rival lawyer on Daredevil. Just don’t turn her mean and green. Jeez…I feel evil just suggesting this…


Who would you like to see still in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? What dream character of yours has yet to show up? Or are there any you don’t want to see show up because they’re too silly? How wrong am I on She-Hulk? Let me know in the comments!


About Sean Ian Mills

Hello, this is Sean, the Henchman-4-Hire! By day I am a mild-mannered newspaper reporter in Central New York, and by the rest of the day I'm a pretty big geek when it comes to video games, comic books, movies, cartoons and more.

Posted on April 29, 2015, in Avengers, Lists of Six!, Marvel, Movies, Spider-Man, Television, X-Men and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. I noticed that, in the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy, there was a skeleton that could be Beta Ray Bill’s species.

    plus, any silliness a horse-headed guy might have is negligible compared to Howard the Duck.

  2. Do:

    6. The Wizard. But here’s the catch: I want Fitz to become him. In one episode Fitz builds anti-gravity discs and uses them to do some heroics. Then some girl he saves is so impressed that she calls him a wizard. Then maybe Bentley Wittman steals them. That way Fitz can also have a nemesis.

    5. Black Cat. She’d be a perfect addition to the Netflix shows. She can even show up in each one. How cool would that be?

    4. Ghost Rider. I’d even let it still be Nic Cage. I just want him to show up in Doctor Strange or something.

    3. The New Warriors. I think I covered this in your list of 6 things you want in Civil War. But I seriously want these guys to screw up so badly that Iron Man and Cap fight each other. Also a DVD extra short of their reality TV show would be piles of fun.

    2. The android Human Torch. I know we got an easter egg in Captain America: The First Avenger. But I want Agent Carter to get a second season and I want her stories to get a little weirder and explore more of Golden Age Marvel comics. I think Human Torch would be perfect for that. (I also think Namor would be perfect for that, but Universal owns his rights).

    1. Silver Surfer and Galactus. I’ve decided that I want the Fantastic Four movie to fail. I want it to fail so badly that Fox abandons their plans for future FF movies. Then I want them to cut a deal with Marvel to let Surfer and Galactus appear in the MCU. Then I want Galactus to be the villain in Infinity War Part 2. We all know that Marvel was once willing to let Fox keep the Daredevil rights in exchange for getting the Surfer and Galactus rights. I think they had the right idea. I know we’ve laid a lot of groundwork on Thanos, but I just don’t see him carrying two movies.


    6. Nova. I actually don’t want any other humans in the space adventures. I like Starlord being the only one.

    5. the X-Men. For all the reasons you mentioned.

    4. Hercules. Thor has us covered. Thanks tho.

    3. The Hood. You could probably adapt the original Hood mini-series and have it be awesome. But I know someone would try to have him reach the heights of his comic counterparts later adventures and that would be a stupid waste of a neat character. Just like it was in the comics.

    2. Moon Knight. I don’t really like Moon Knight. I don’t think he adds anything. He’s a crazy Batman? So what?

    1. The Fantastic Four. I want their movie to fail. But Fox can keep them. I don’t want anyone smarter than Tony Stark. I don’t want anyone comparable to Hulk in Strength (Abomination aside). And I already laid out a better plan for Human Torch. At this point in the MCU, I just don’t think they fit.

    • 6. I actually love that idea for the Wizard! Fitz has been amazing this season, and he could stand to have a scientific rival. That would just be plain neat.

      5. Black Cat was actually on my list for the reasons you put, that she’d be an awesome addition to the Netflix shows. But she got replaced by the Wrecking Crew.

      4. I would be OK with Ghost Rider showing up somewhere. But unlike Daredevil, he’s not so great that he deserves to have his past movie bombs overlooked.

      3. The New Warriors would be fine. I think Civil War is going to be a little too crowded to include them, but a DVD extra about their reality show would be pretty perfect. I think that’s all they might need.

      2. Android Human Torch in Agent Carter season 2?! Genius!

      1. I’m with you on the new Fantastic Four movie. I hope it crashes and burns. Marvel getting Galactus would be beyond amazing. And as the Big Bad beyond Thanos in Infinity War would be a pretty perfect place for him. All the Phase 3 cosmic movies could start pointing towards Galactus, and then his arrival on Earth is what units the Guardians with the Avengers.

      6. I really liked the Nova/Starlord friendship in Annihilation. And while I definitely agree with you that Starlord being the only human in space is a great idea, there’s the fact that he’s been in space since he was a little boy, and is half some alien race. So he’s more space character than he is human. Nova could be all human thrust into the weirdness of the GotG world.

      5. Yeah, screw the X-Men.

      4. I definitely agree on Hercules. He would bring nothing new.

      3. Yep, Avengers-level Hood was a ridiculous concept on every level.

      2. The recent Moon Knight mini-series was pretty amazing, and could definitely hold a Netflix show. I can’t remember if I ever got those issues to you or not.

      1. And I definitely agree on the Fantastic Four. Just like with the X-Men, they are too large a concept to try and suddenly force into the world Marvel has built around the Avengers. Maybe at some point in the far future, when Phase Four is a brand new landscape, the F4 might fit. But right now, they’d be more burden than benefit.

    • I wonder how Marvel would handle Galactus in their movies. Would he be a large humanoid in a purple costume, or would he be something like the last time, a giant space cloud or whatever.

  3. In early Nova, like first volume of the series, Rich Ryder was the same age as Sam Alexander, or maybe a year older. So if they make a movie of that character, i’d rather see a young Rich Ryder, than Alexander. He’s just a Nova interloper.

  4. My picks would be Hawk Girl, Dr. Strange , Booster Gold, Chesire and Speedy for the characters I want to see and any more green lantern due to the way the studio handed the last movie, superman the guy they chose was not a good fit for Clark Kent. Spider-man I am still yelling at the series for killing the best aspect to the movies Gwen Stacy and that is it.

  5. Cloak and Dagger! Cloak and goddam Dagger! They’re awesome. Give them a Netflix show.

    Power Pack. Live-action family movie. Maybe make it a trilogy. Bonus points if Julie’s bisexuality is brought up.

    Runaways would make for a good movie.

    Spider-Woman should show up somewhere. And Monica Rambeau. Because she’s awesome.

  6. Dont
    1. Gwen Stacy- I hate the character and a lot more reasons.

    2. Wolverine- Way to overrated and no one can replace Hugh Jackman at this point

    3. Ms. Marvel – Kamala. Why? She and Peter would be the same age. I hate that idea so much…. Jessica Jones is older and Peter just hit puberty. I don’t want mindless shippers putting Kamala and Peter together.

    4. Miles Morales.- I am not a fan. I dont like him that much. People hate me for it, but i have never seen his appeal and he is way to new and he has no unique villains or origin story. I hope Secret Wars makes it so i can like him more because he (TO ME) is living off of Peters scraps

    5. Nova- Sam Alexander. He is way to new, like Kamala, He is in the new spidey show and he has been in more episodes than comics.

    6. The Fantastic Four. They arent needed at all… We got the brains already and they wouldnt make sense in this world to me


    6. The Chameleon. It is his time to shine.

    5. Spider-Woman- I want her to be in Captain Marvel.

    4. Phil Urich- I would like him to be in Daredevil season two trying ti fill in his uncles shoes.

    3. Kristin McDuffie- I love her and think she would be awesome for daredevil season 2

    2. Black Cat. Seeing a young Peter interact with her would be great

    1. Mary Jane Watson- The best love interest for Spider-Man and my favorite female character of all time

    • Oh man, I hadn’t even considered that Marvel is pushing for a teenage Peter Parker, putting him in the same age group as the likes of Kamala and Sam Alexander! Sheesh…that’s a little hard to wrap my head around.

  7. I like Nova’s latest incarnations, but every time I see him mentioned, I can’t help remembering him as “The Human Rocket” of the 1980s, and nothing else.

  8. the ones i don’t want done
    1. fantastic four- I disagree, i think the marvel cinematic universe could absorb them, i just don’t want them to. I never really liked them and, with the exception of the actors playing reed richards and ben grimm in the first fantastic four movie, i don’t think that they have ever been interesting characters.
    2. the vulture- he is actually one of my favorite spiderman villains, but a skinny old man in a bird costume would be really hard to make intimidating and interesting. I know they could do it, but i think i would rather they spent their time working on other spiderman villains.
    3. X-men – I completely agree with you on this. When Marvel first started doing their universe I, and the rest of the marvel fans, were very much hoping that they could integrate the Mutant mythology into themselves. But at this point I am actually glad they didn’t. I think that the Inhuman storyline, which we all know would never have happened if Marvel had had access to mutants, is arguably more interesting. And it actually fits better with the new incarnation of civil war. Although I do hope marvel gets the x-men universe back one day (I would love to see what they could do with it) I want it kept separate or saved for when the MCU gets a reboot. (which I obviously hope doesn’t happen anytime soon)
    4. Hyperion – There is nooooooooo way they could do him without everyone spending ever second thinking ‘they are making fun of superman’. Which is good because that was kind of the point. But when I sit down for a MCU movie or tv show I don’t want to be taken out of the universe i am in.
    5. M.O.D.O.K. – Again, like Vulture, I know they would have to go a long way to make this short limned potato man intimidating or relate-able.
    6. Atlantis – I don’t just not want Namor, I want nothing related to Atlantis. Like Hyperion, everyone who sees this will be saying ‘he isn’t aquaman’ in their heads every second he, or Atlantis, is mentioned on screen. I would almost be willing to endure it to see Disney sneak in a ‘Atlantis the Lost Empire’ reference, but I will live.

    These I want done.
    1. The Twelve – I think I mentioned them on one of your other lists. Now that the second season of Agent Carter has apparently been green-lit, I think they could easily sneak all of these characters into her show. Firstly, they were all originally in the 1940s before they were frozen, so just change it so they are a little later. Second, they are all fairly unknown so they wouldn’t be burning through any main characters for the rest of the Marvel Universe. And third, I think the biggest draw back to the first season of Agent Carter was the same as the first half of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., not enough Marvel nods for the geek fans.
    2. Venom – The disgraceful appearance of Venom in the 3rd original spiderman movie is well documented. I want him done right! He is one of my favorite Marvel villains, and even more a favorite Marvel anti-hero. I want him appearing in the spiderman reboot, then spun off into his own movie.
    3. Carnage – When they give venom his own movie, Carnage needs to be the villain. No debate will be entertained!
    4. Black Cat – I think she needs to be done for many reasons. Not the least of which is that she is an amazing character. But I only want her done if they get someone who looks the way she is supposed to, drool inducing curvy, to play her. This is not because I am a geek guy but because her sexuality is a major part of her character. When we see her we need to understand immediately why Peter Parker is nearly always influenced by her. The audience should want them together on both an emotional and physical level.
    5. Ghost Rider- Everyone wants a Punisher tv show (including me) but no one seems to care that Ghost Rider is back in Marvel’s control. Now that they are going more into the mystical side of Marvel, with the upcoming Dr. Strange movie, I can see them making a ghost rider movie something truly special.
    6. Hydra-Bob – I cannot believe you didn’t suggest this! I love this character, the marvel equivalent of Johny Sasaki (metal gear solid for all you uncultured geeks). He is sooo fun and I love him. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want a movie about him (although I would give Marvel a lot of points if they did) but I could see a recurring cameo in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or maybe a marvel one shot titled ‘The Unfortunate Career of Hydra-Bob’.
    Which leads me into a few requests

    Am I the only one who misses the Marvel One-Shots. We haven’t had any since Hail to the King. And there is no word on if we will have anymore now that the MCU has spilled over into tv. But I still miss them. They were a great way to check up on characters we didn’t know that well. I would love to see ‘A Day in the Life of the Warriors 3’ or the Hydra Bob storyline, or even, ‘If You Need A Suit, Melvin Potter is Your Man’. I was hoping you could do a post about which ones you would like to see.
    Second request is that the Suicide Squad photo for the upcoming movie appeared recently. What Marvel villain team would you like to see them attempt to do a film about?

    • Personally, I’m torn on Carnage. I definitely want Venom to appear in the MCU at some point, he’s too great of a character and villain to ignore, especially if they do him right. But Carnage, I dunno. I like Carnage a lot. He’s one of the only villains I can remember where I actually felt he had real menace, at least during Maximum Carnage. But I don’t know if adding too many symbiotes would be a problem or not. Plus do we really want to send Venom up against another version of himself? That’s just like sending Iron Man up against guys in armored suits all the time.

      Hydra-Bob would indeed be great for a one-shot, but he’s a Deadpool character…granted, the people making Deadpool don’t have access to Hydra, so who knows if he’s capable of appearing in either franchise!

      And a List of Six about potential Marvel One-Shots? You got it!

      As for a villain team to appear on film, beyond the Wrecking Crew, and my favorite villain team, the Brotherhood, which has already appeared on screen, I’d go for the Masters of Evil. I just really want to see the Avengers fight a whole team of super-villains!

      • That is a fair point about Hydra-Bob, I assumed that he was a part of the Hydra license but who really knows. Though i have a really hard time believing that even fox would get in a tizzy over him if they tried to use him. Now that you say that though I am wondering if Sunil Bakshi from this season of Agents of Shield was supposed to be there reimagining of Hydra Bob. I hope not. I do know that if Fox does have him; he had better appear, at least as a cameo, in the Deadpool movie.
        I also agree that sending venom up against carnage might get us into a ‘fightling your darker self’, concept, but marvel has been doing that a lot, and not just iron man. Incredible hulk went up against abomination and captain america went up against red skull. You could even argue that Ultron is a evil version of both tony and the vision. So it wouldn’t be out of character in the movie, but i agree that I don’t want them to fall into a dark mirror concept all the time. Maybe have him deal with something else in his first film and carnage is looking for a host all of that story, and then have them fight in the second one.

      • I don’t think Bakshi was Bob, Agent of HYDRA, not by a long shot. But heck, if he shows up in a Deadpool movie, he doesn’t need to be from HYDRA. He can be from any terrorist organization FOX wants. He could be Bob, Agent of VIPER or something!

      • I wonder who should play Bob agent of Hydra?

      • Of that I have no clue. I’m terrible at movie casting.

  9. I’d like to see Dr Voodoo, definitely Moon Knight and yeah, love Stingray

  1. Pingback: FOX is Never, Ever Letting Go of the X-Men Franchse; Ever | Henchman-4-Hire

  2. Pingback: 6 Characters I Do and 6 Characters I Don’t Want to See in the DC Cinematic Universe | Henchman-4-Hire

  3. Pingback: 6 Things I Want to See in the Inevitable MCU X-Men Reboot | Henchman-4-Hire

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