New Writer Already on Green Arrow – Possibly My Fault

Update: J.T. Krul posts on his Facebook

The DC comic book solicitations for December have come out, and it looks like writers Keith Giffen and Dan Jurgens have replaced J.T. Krul, who wrote issue #1. Giffen and Jurgens will be taking over as of issue #4, which is solicited for December. Comic news website Newsarama has confirmed that Krul has been totally replaced by the new creative team.

Perhaps Krul wanted to write a lot of swearing and boobies

And it’s not the first writer to be leaving one of the new series. John Rozum, the guy writing Static Shock, left that title too. But he said it was his own decision and had nothing to do with Static or DC. What’s with all these writers leaving so early into this rejiggering? Hey DC! I won’t leave you! Hire me!

Anyway, I blame myself for Krul’s departure after my scathing review of Green Arrow #1. Perhaps either he just couldn’t take it, or DC had a light bulb moment after reading my blog entry. Not that I have any reason to believe that either J.T. Krul or DC Comics reads my blog.

In fact they probably don’t…

J.T. Krul had this to say on his facebook about leaving the book:

Hey everyone! Effective as of issue #4, I will no longer be writing Green Arrow. As many of you know, Oliver Queen is one of my favorite characters in the DC Universe, so this decision was not easy to make. Getting the chance to do the fall of Green Arrow and my run during Brightest Day was a dream come true, and I was excited to bring a new yet familiar take on Green Arrow in the new 52. But, I’ve been writing him for a few years now and an opportunity came up that I really wanted to tackle. I had to make a choice. In a way, my decision to leave is more a testament to how incredibly thrilled I am about Captain Atom. I don’t think I’ve been more excited about a project. Working with Freddie Williams is amazing and I really think it’s among my best work at DC to date. It was a tough call – like picking a favorite child.

I can’t talk about my new project just yet, but it perfectly exemplifies what DC is all about with the New 52 – taking the best characters in comics and presenting them in new and exciting ways. The ability to think outside the box, take chances, and tell different kinds of stories is why it’s a great time to be writing for DC Comics.

For sure, I’ll miss Oliver Queen – and working with the likes of Dan Jurgens, George Perez, David Baron, and Dave Wilkins – but I’m sure the Emerald Archer will be in good hands for more globe-trotting, James Bond, high adventures.

And, at the very least, I got to include my version of the boxing-glove arrow.

About Sean Ian Mills

Hello, this is Sean, the Henchman-4-Hire! By day I am a mild-mannered newspaper reporter in Central New York, and by the rest of the day I'm a pretty big geek when it comes to video games, comic books, movies, cartoons and more.

Posted on September 19, 2011, in Comics, DC. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I only read the first few pages of Green Arrow 1 through previews and I could tell it probably wouldn’t be the book for me. I like J.T.’s writing, but I kind of liked the Green Arrow living in the woods take that the book ended with before the reboot. The rich sort of Tony Stark Green Arrow just seemed tired to me. I think Krull’s Captain Atom book will be a great read. I’ve heard people raving about the art.

  2. I never read Green Arrow prior to this relaunch, and picked it up on a whim because my comic book shop was sold out of almost everything else from DC that week. I liked the new status quo for Green Arrow. The whole qPhone replaces the iPhone thing was kind of neat. But lordy did Krul have some boring-as-hell bad guys in the first issue.

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