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Mintberry Crunch! And Other Cool Video Game Announcements!

E3 was held this weekend, the big video game foofarah where everything is announced and all our dreams come true. I heard there’s going to be a new Gears of War, a remake of Final Fantasy VII and a bunch of other cool stuff. Since I still haven’t upgraded my graphics card on my computer, I’m likely going to be very behind on all of these new games. But I decided to collect some of the trailers, because they look neat, and because it’s a Tuesday.

First up, South Park: The Fractured but Whole, a sequel to The Stick of Truth.

Then we’ve got a new trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight, which comes out next week…and which…and which I won’t be able to play yet. Oh…oh god…

Then we’ve got two trailers for the new Star Wars Battlefront.

There were tons of other video games announced this weekend, but I think these three were the tops for me! Now I just need to sell a kidney…
